As an LGBTQIA individual, you may be at higher risk for certain medical conditions. Seeking out preventative care before any condition begins will help you to better control the issues or avoid them altogether.

Here are some of the top medical issues that LGBTQIA+ humans may face in their lifetime:

  • Heart disease.
  • Cancers.
  • Obesity.
  • Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder.
  • Violence.
  • Mental health.
  • Substance abuse.
  • Increased risk of contracting an STI.

The LGBTQIA+ lifestyles are considered more high risk due to certain behaviors, activities, and choices. Increased levels of smoking, drinking, and being more promiscuous within sexual relationships causes this increase. Heart disease is a lifelong issue that will require great amounts of sudden change. To avoid this situation, be sure to follow the American Heart Association health lifestyle guidelines.

Obesity can create numerous health problems and is something that can be easily monitored and adjusted with some determination and drive. Carrying extra fat and weight on the body leads to things like diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. By taking the time to work on the self and determine a healthy plan to become more physically fit, this will lower the risk for more severe health problems.

Mental health is an undiscussed issue for billions of people in the United States. Many organizations are working towards bringing light to all mental health issues to help people feel safer openly discussing their issues and helping medical professionals to better understand the mental health needs of the LGBTQIA+ community. Taking a step to find a counselor or therapist when you are struggling mentally. By reaching out before you are lost in your own thoughts and worry, take this simply preventative action.

Substance abuse is also something that occurs for many LGBTQIA+ humans, as many turn to drug or alcohol abuse to help them face the stressors that come with being LGBTQIA+. By finding a different outlet for your stress and worry, this can help you to avoid this issue.

Other Preventative Measures

Some of the other preventative measures those in the LGBTQIA+ community should consider are:

  • Pap Smears. Pap smear help to keep the cervix and cells checked for pre-cancerous developments.
  • Prostate Checks. By having your prostate checked regularly, once you have surpassed age 50 (or whatever age your doctor suggests you begin having prostate and TSH levels checked), this can help your doctor notice the first signs that something may be off.
  • Regular blood tests. Regular blood tests can help you to know your body’s stats and recognize when something has changed.
  • Skin checks. Meeting with a Dermatologist that can give you overall body skin checks for melanomas or any other skin issue can help to note and prevent skin cancers.
  • Regular physicals. Full body physicals are essential for whole health and living.
  • Having safe sex. Ensuring that every sexual encounter is safe not only helps to protect you against other STIs, but also ensures that your partner(s) are safe.

Early detection for most all health issues is best and offers the patient the ability to choose treatments and come up with a plan. By taking the time to handle your health appropriately, this ensures you can continue living your life to the best, and planning for your future.


National Institute of Health and Human Services

American Heart Association

National LGBT Cancer Network